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Intuitive Healing

Reiki * Archangelic Light * Ancestral Healing



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healing mind, body, & spirit

Are you yearning for a profound and transformative healing experience? Are you prepared to liberate yourself from the burdens that have held you back?

Ellen Barber, a dedicated practitioner, is a firm advocate for the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit. With a holistic approach, Ellen collaborates with your energy, helping you release the stagnation, heal wounds, break free from negative patterns, and even address ancestral traumas that may linger.

Whether your desire is for relief from a physical ailments or a spiritual liberation, a session with Ellen serves as a portal to your personal odyssey of healing. Ellen's expertise lies in seamlessly weaving together the realms of mental, physical, and spiritual well-being through the art of energy work.

Discover the transformative power of holistic healing and unlock the doors to your fullest potential.


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Sacred energy flows through Ellen. She ​truly has an amazing gift of holding space, ​orchastrating healing, and being open to ​what the divine can do in a session.


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Are you overwhelmed? Stressed? ​Worried constantly? Do you have ​trouble concentrating?


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Are you suffering from aches and ​pains? Do you have trouble ​sleeping or just resting?


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Do you feel disconnected ​spiritually? Feel like there must be ​more...


Whether you are looking for relief from a physical ailment or a spiritual release, a session with Ellen will allow you to ​open the door to your healing journey. Ellen specializes in bridging the gaps between the mind, body, and spirit healing ​through energy work.

Clarity. Gratitude. Love. Grace. Renewal. Shedding. Freedom. Facing Fears. Healing wounds. Breaking patterns.

Connecting with spirit. Opening doors for opportunities. Tapping into unconscious. Igniting passions.

Healing relationship with self. Healing relationships with others. Relief. Awareness.


At Holding Space Healing, I work with individuals who are ready to embrace change and release what’s holding them back. If you're open to understanding the powerful connection between mind, body, and spirit, and you'r3e eager to actively participate in your healing journey you're in the right place. My clients seek a deeper spiritual connection in life, and together, we'll embark on a transformative path.

I do not work with those seeking a “quick fix” or those unwilling to invest effort in their healing. If you are close-minded or distrusting, my approach may not align with your needs.


Hello, I'm Ellen Barber, a specialist in Reiki, Archangelic Light, and Ancestral Healing. I come from a long line of healers, and energy work has been an integral part of my life for as long as I can remember. Over the years, I've had the privilege of supporting numerous clients on their healing journeys, and in 2022, I realized that this is my true calling.

It's an absolute honor for me to walk alongside others in their healing journey. I deeply believe in the power of connected energy, and helping others shift their energy is just a small part of the greater picture I envision.

Whether you're seeking healing in person or through virtual sessions, I am here to support and guide you every step of the way. Let's embark on this journey together!

Everything has changed since I ​started my healing sessions. ​My way of thinking, being, and ​how I see others.



Before we even meet for our session, I connect with client's energy, guides, and higher self to tune into healing needs. Preparing the space particular for your healing needs.

At the time of the session, we will spend a few minutes getting to know one another, discussing intentions, and relaxing into the prepared space.

For in person sessions, the client lies down on the massage table with the BioMat. For distant sessions, I recommend finding a space you will be uninterrupted to lie down and headphones recommended.

We will begin our journey into healing together. I work with Reiki, Archangelic Light, crystals, essential oils, and Ancestral Healing as guided. Working with your chakras, balancing, and releasing blocks.

As I close out the healing session, she will download anything that was revealed, as you share your experience. All of the notes from the session, your guides, findings, etc will be sent to you following the session along with any follow up advice.

Trust that what needs to ​happen, will. Ellen uses ​different modalities to ground ​you. The session itself is full of ​healing you did not even know ​was possible. All I can say is be ​open and allow.

Holding space healing Offerings


Before we even meet for our session, I connect with client's energy, guides, and higher self to tune into healing needs. Preparing the space particular for your healing needs.

At the time of the session, we will spend a few minutes getting to know one another, discussing intentions, and relaxing into the prepared space.

For in person sessions, the client lies down on the massage table with the BioMat. For distant sessions, I recommend finding a space you will be uninterrupted to lie down and headphones recommended.

We will begin our journey into healing together. I work with Reiki, Archangelic Light, crystals, essential oils, and Ancestral Healing as guided. Working with your chakras, balancing, and releasing blocks.

As I close out the healing session, I will download anything that was revealed, as you share your experience. All of the notes from the session, your guides, findings, etc will be sent to you following the session along with any follow up advice.

One hour session $123

Minimalist One Line Continuous Drawing of Butterfly Element


Unlike personalized healing sessions, we will be working with connected energies within a relationship dynamic not the individual energies. Clearing negative patterns, heal relational wounds, and enmeshed energies that no longer are serving the highest good of the individuals or relationship.

At the time of the session, we will spend a few minutes getting to know one another, discussing each person's intentions, and relaxing into the prepared space.

We will begin our journey into healing together. I work with Reiki, Archangelic Light, crystals, essential oils, and Ancestral Healing as guided. Working with chakras, balancing, and releasing blocks between the two individuals. Ideal for marriage or partnerships where it's hard to move past hurts, mother/daughter relationships or parent/child dynamics where there are traumas, hurts, enmeshment causing damage to one or both of you.

One and a half hour session $223

Minimalist One Line Continuous Drawing of Butterfly Element


The BioMat delivers soothing deep-penetrating heat while stimulating the regeneration of damaged cells in your body. BioMat has been shown to treat chronic pain, support core body temperature, speed the healing of joints and tissues, improve circulation, detoxify, boost the immune system, promote deep relaxation and improve sleep, improve mood, reduce stress, and anxiety.

Enjoy a room prepared for you with soft music, essential oils, and the healing magic that the BioMat provides.

No energy healing from practitioner provided.

One hour session $66

Half hour session $33

Ellen has a way of creating a space, ​just for you. I was able to be in that ​space, and physically feel at peace, ​and safe, even though we were ​hundreds of miles apart. She ​followed the session up with notes ​on what she noticed, what was ​cleared, what was blocked. And then ​shared all of the things that came to ​her, during her set up and during the ​experience, that were reflections of ​where I was on my healing journey.

Holding Space Healing Packages


Package includes noted number of healing sessions- virtual or in person. To be used within one year of purchase. If you are just starting your journey and do not want to commit yet to certain visits per month, this is the package for you.

Package of 4: $444 (save $48)

Package of 8: $873 (save $111)

Photography of Mountains During Dawn


These packages are a monthly commitment for 3 months. Options are meeting 1 time per month or 2 times per month. If our healing sessions together are powerful and you are ready to make a commitment to yourself and your spiritual growth is a priority, this package is for you. Must be used within the month, not transferrable.

Once a month for 3 months: $333 (save $36)

Twice a month for 3 months: $699 (save $39)


You've found yourself in a dark place (like I was!). Let's make some quick moves to get you back on track. Once a week healing sessions for four consecutive weeks. Find yourself in a crisis, this is the package for you.

Weekly for 4 consecutive weeks: $423 (save $69)

The symptoms of hyperthyroidism ​resolved. My problem with sleep ​disturbance abated, the tremor in ​my hand ceased, and my energy ​level which had been low ​returned to normal. Also my lab ​results showed the thyroid ​numbers all back within normal ​range.

Healing Membership Program

Transform your healing journey

membership benefits

Monthly Healing Session

One visit per month ensures consistent ​progress.

Special Membership Rate

Only $111 per month (compared to the regular ​$123).

Reminder Texts

Helping you schedule and keep up with ​appointments.

Exclusive Meditations

Access to additional guided meditations from ​me.

Energetic Circle

Inclusion in a special energetic circle where I ​will hold space for you on a weekly basis.

Biomat Sessions

An additional 30-minute Biomat session each ​month, for you or a loved one.

why join?

Consistant Healing

Regular sessions help you build and ​maintain positive energy, making a ​noticeable difference in your overall ​well-being.

Supportive Community

Be part of a circle that provides ​continuous support and positive ​reinforcement.

Enhanced Healing Tools

Benefit from exclusive meditations and ​Biomat sessions that complement your ​healing journey.

how it works?


A four-month commitment, allowing you ​to truly experience the benefits and see ​the impact on your life.


Payments of $111 are charged at the ​beginning of each month.


By the end of the four months, you ​should feel a significant improvement in ​your energy levels and overall wellness.

Sign Up Today!

If you have any questions, contact Ellen at 919-408-7442

Let the healing begin

FFrequently Asked Questions

1. What to expect during a healing session?

When you come for an in-person session, you’ll enter a dedicated ​healing space in my home. We’ll start with a brief conversation to ​discuss your needs. The space is prepared specifically for you, with a ​created altar and calming scents to enhance relaxation. You’ll then lie ​on my healing table as I begin the energy work, incorporating Reiki and ​Archangelic Light. You might feel sensations of release in certain areas, ​gentle touches, see flashing lights, or experience warmth or cold. ​Regardless of the specific sensations, you’ll enjoy 45 minutes of blissful, ​relaxing energy.

Foggy Sunny Forest

2. Does it matter what religion I am?

Not at all. I work with clients of all beliefs. While I am Christian, I ​have worked with people of various faiths, including Catholics ​and Christians. My practice is a safe, sacred space where I ​collaborate with your guides, the archangels, the Holy Spirit, and ​other Divine beings. There is no dark magic involved, only light ​and healing.

Big Hawk in the Sky

3. What’s the science behind energy work?

Energy work, such as Reiki, operates on the premise that the body ​has an energy field that can be influenced to promote healing. ​Research has shown that energy healing can reduce stress, ​alleviate pain, and enhance overall well-being by balancing the ​body’s energy systems. For more information, you can refer to this ​article on the science behind energy healing.

Distance Reiki Healing

4. Which is better in person or virtual sessions?

I love this question. The personal space that is prepared ​for you is special and part of what I love. However, distant ​healing sessions have been some of my most powerful ​sessions- as a practitioner and someone receiving the ​work. Distant work can be even more powerful than in ​person due to the fact that you get out of the physical ​space and we can both meet in the spiritual realm.

Healing sunset

5. How many sessions will I need?

Regular energetic work benefits us through our healing journeys. ​When in crisis, I think at least a couple of visits within a month is ​helpful. Weekly would be better. Regular maintenance 1-2 times a ​month but really is a personal choice. If you imagine our healing ​journey like an onion, we peel back layer after to layer, to reveal ​what’s next. I encourage a regular scheduling, which is why I created ​the membership to make it more affordable.


Sign up for event info, tips, and more.

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Disclaimer: Energy healing, ancestral healing, crystal healing as well as Reiki are ​considered alternative, complementary approaches and do not replace the need for ​traditional medical care through your physician or licensed professional. You should not ​stop, add, or change any medication or traditional treatment, without the advice, consent ​and direction of your physician.

You are advised to seek the care of a licensed professional for any physical, mental or ​emotional concerns.